Let’s be honest, mushroom earrings aren’t for everyone, but for all my nature-filled wild folks out there, your gonna want to tag along for this ride on how to make mushroom earrings!
When looking for mushroom to make into earrings, I look for thin, rubbery ones that don’t have a lot of water retained in them. This is because the mushroom is easier to dry and probably won’t smell or have many bugs to worry about. Mushrooms like the ones pictured above are what I go for. These fungi are labeled as bracket fungi by the scientific community, and are usually found on the base of trees or on decaying logs.
When looking for mushrooms for your earrings you want to make sure you forage them in a sustainable way. This means- DO NOT rip them from the ground. If you do so, you will pull out the stem and damage the rest of the fungi (the part that lives underground in root like structures) and the mushroom may not regenerate anymore (kind of like picking a flower but pulling it out with its roots instead of snipping it at the stem- big no no). You MUST snip the mushroom right above the base of it with a knife or scissors! It’s simply respectful for the mushroom and for the greater good of the ecosystem you are taking it from. Make sure to say your thanks as well.
Feel free to carry out this process with other natural materials too! Have fun! Let me know what you thought in the comments below!
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