EL-COLOGY Disclaimers

General Disclaimers

-This is a personal blog. Any opinions or views by the owner of this blog belong only to the owner of this blog and not the companies or organizations he or she is affiliated with unless it is stated as so. 

-The content on this blog is intended for informational purposes only. 

-The owner of the blog will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information on this site. 


-All material copyrighted to El-Cology belongs to El-COLOGY 

-The content on this website is provided by EL-COLOGY and taken from official websites. EL-COLOGY does its best to ensure that the appropriate credit is given to the original sources of the information. If there are any errors in the credit that is given, please email us. Some photos are taken from the internet and thus considered public domain, but if there are requests to take down any content or photos please email (TBD) with any concerns.